Aim- Design-Optimization of the Heavy-Duty Duct by Dynamic Finite Element Analysis.
Brief-Angular Duct is used to carry the steam from steam header to the condenser with various extractions.
The duct is the structural member which carries internal pressure loads, vacuum loads, wind loads, flow thrust loads, thermal loads and Seismic loads.
Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of the Duct is carried out to simulate the integrity of the duct under the structural and thermal loads. This also evaluates the fixation of the duct.
Various simulations are performed to optimize the design of the duct for various parameters that include the angle of the duct, length of duct, header, number of stiffeners, stiffener size, stiffener location, duct thickness, and weld size.
Application-Steam turbine ducts, power plants, Cooling towers etc
ClientClient NameServicesArt Direction, DesignYear2015
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